Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow Day!!

The weather outside is frightful... but the electric fireplace is so delightful! Lol.

Ahh... Tennessee winter weather. You do love to surprise even the best of weathermen, don't you.

I love this picture from one of the local news sites.

I also love that, since my husband is also a teacher, my whole family got out of school early today! Thank goodness that we both had a safe drive and the two of us and our little one are all piled up in the warmth of our living room.

And what's better than early dismissal? A snow day? Or even better, two?! Don't mind if we do!

So I'm taking the time off to work on a few major projects for school that have been halfway done for weeks now. The last couple of projects I've started have been major ones that I've been doing a little bit at a time as I needed them, but hopefully these snow days will let me get them finished up. My favorite (and the one I'm spending a chunk of time on today) is a weekly spiral math review homework set. I'm super excited about this one because I'm hoping it'll let me squeeze in some extra review of some skills from earlier this year that we've forgotten. Here's a sneak peek:

 And rumor has it that we're going to be out the rest of the week! I should be able to finish up these reviews while my little one is napping so that they're ready for the rest of the year!

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